Workshop Preparation Checklist

Workshop Preparation Checklist

Contact all participants to confirm their attendance and remind them of the start time.
Ensure the meeting room is clean, tidy, and well-organized.
Set up tables and chairs in a configuration that promotes effective group interaction and makes it easier for facilitation.
Print Name Tents to go in front of each participant.
Equip the room with necessary audiovisual equipment (e.g., projector, screen, sound system) and test its functionality in advance.
Arrange for refreshments (e.g., water, coffee, snacks) as needed and agreed upon.
Place any relevant materials or resources (e.g., flip charts, markers, notepads, pens) in the room for participants to use.
Check the lighting, temperature, and overall comfort of the room to ensure a positive learning environment.
Prepare and display signage to direct participants to the meeting room.
Confirm the availability of parking or transportation options for participants if needed.
Inform facility staff of any special requirements or requests related to the meeting.
Notify me of any last-minute changes or updates to ensure a smooth start to the session.
Make sure the introducer is comfortable introducing the objectives of the workshop and my bio at the beginning of the session.